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Unit 1: Lesson 1Introduce Unit and Investigate Story Elements for The Three Little Pigs

Unit 1

Character Clues in Action!




Common Core State Standards

Arts for Learning is aligned with the Common Core State Standards for Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening, and Language. This Overview describes the scope of the standards and this Quick Reference Guide provides each of the standards fully or partially met within this A4L Unit, followed by the charts that specifically identify the standards addressed in each lesson and step in the Unit. The standards are also coded and listed at the beginning of each lesson in the unit. Arts for Learning also provides a comprehensive student assessment program in each unit. This A4L Assessment Toolkit Quick Reference Chart indicates an overview of the locations of the tasks to be scored in the unit.
Each A4L unit is developed on a common framework and contains a 3-part sequence of instruction that educational research suggests will help students become more self-directed, independent learners. There is a gradual hand-off of responsibility--from teacher to students-- that is supported by assessment and teacher help as needed. Throughout A4L units the arts serve as motive and means to advance reading for meaning and writing thoughtfully.

Part 1


Unit 1: Lesson 1

Introduce Unit and Investigate Story Elements for The Three Little Pigs

Unit 1: Lesson 1

Introduce Unit and Investigate Story Elements for The Three Little Pigs




Literacy Objective

By the end of this lesson students will be able to identify the basic story elements of setting, characters, plot, problem, and resolution. They will be able to determine the sequence of events in the story.

Literacy "I Can" Statement

“I can identify the basic story elements of setting, characters, plot, problem, and resolution. I can identify the sequence in which events occurred in the story.”

Lesson Overview


Steps Pacing: 70 Minutes
10 Minutes
60 Minutes



Standards Alignment


Targeted CCSS


Secondary CCSS


Teaching Resources


Classroom Charts




A4L Student Notebook


Life & Learning Skills


  Differentiation Options  


  Leveraging Moments




STEP 1: Introduce the Unit



Process: Start the Character Clues in Action! unit by talking with your students about reading like a detective. Then explain the purpose and activities of the unit and hand out the A4L Student Notebook and Unit 1 Texts. Draw their attention to the reading and acting process that occurs throughout the unit.

ELL Support: Comprehensible Input 

Suggested Dialogue

"We are beginning an Arts for Learning unit called Character Clues in Action!"


Pass out A4L Student Notebooks and Unit 1.




STEP 2: Introduce Lesson 1

Process: Give an overview of the lesson objectives. Read a story, engage in a theater warm-up called statues, use statues to interact with the text, track the story elements, and determine the sequence of events.
Suggested Dialogue
"Today we're going to read the classic tale of The Three Little Pigs..."
Process: Ask students questions about what they already know of The Three Little Pigs--different versions, cultural variations, etc.
Suggested Dialogue


"Who has read or heard of this story before?"




STEP 4: First Read-Aloud of The Three Little Pigs



Process: Read aloud the classic tale The Three Little Pigs. Have students follow along in their Unit 1 Texts. Feel free to have students read the story independently. Read the text and during this reading, clarify any unfamiliar terms. Reading the original tale of the three pigs has two purposes:
  1. To establish background knowledge so that all students will understand Sciezska's fractured version of the story in the next lesson.
  2. To instruct on story elements using a short and simple text.




STEP 5: Introduce Open Space

Process: Introduce the concept of Open Space. Open space is anywhere in the room students can move safely and freely without touching anything or anyone. Determine if desks need to be moved for the exercise. See "special" bar Moving Desks for Theater Work for a process to safely and efficiently move desks. Tell students to find their own spot in open space.
Moving Desks
Suggested Dialogue


Using Theatrical Devices





STEP 6: Act It Out! Statues of The Three Little Pigs

Process: Throughout the unit students will use statues to both interact with the texts they are reading and then, by creating scenes, deepen and refine their comprehension of the text. A statue is a frozen silent picture an individual actor makes with his or her whole body to represent a moment in time. In this warm-up, students will create several statues that are easily accessible and then move into creating statues of characters in the story.
Begin the statues warm-up by having students walk through open space in "actor neutral," or, as themselves. This helps students get comfortable moving as themselves before becoming characters in front of others. Call out a character and give a count-down for students to create the character; add an action, objective, or emotion; and then ask actors to extend their choices. Create three characters using this process. See below for Character Statues to select characters that are appropriate for the level, age, and background of students. Reflect on statues using the reflection sentence stems after the exercise. Prior to the lesson, post the sentence stems in the classroom.
Timing for individual statues and reflection is 10 minutes.


Definition: Statues


Teaching Tips: Statues


Connecting Literacy & Art: Statues


Differentiation Options: Identifying Story Elements


Suggested Dialogue


Facilitate walking and freezing


Facilitate individual statues with familiar characters


Facilitate individual statues with characters from the story


Facilitate reflection


Point to posted reflection sentence stems




STEP 7: Discuss The Three Little Pigs & Record Story Elements



Process: Engage students in a discussion of The Three Little Pigs by focusing on the story elements--characters, setting, problem, events, and resolution. Create a Class Story Map and post on the wall for future reference. See Teaching Resources below for a sample Class Story Map.


Teaching Resources


Suggested Dialogue


Introduce Class Story Map


Record characters and traits on Class Story Map


Record setting on Class Story Map


Record problem on Class Story Map


Elicit events and record on Class Story Map


Elicit resolution and record on Class Story Map




STEP 8: Close Lesson 1



Process: Close the lesson with a statue of the resolution, a look forward describing the next lesson, and an optional closing ritual.


Suggested Dialogue


Create a statue of the resolution


Looking Forward


Performing the Closing Ritual (Optional)





Congratulations on completing Lesson 1! You are now ready to move onto Lesson 2 of Unit 1.





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