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Unit 5: Lesson 4Instruct on Prosody; Explore Words & Phrases in Sparklers

Unit 5

Words in Motion!




To develop an appreciation of and interest in the power of words to convey particular ideas, feelings, and images (word consciousness) through an exploration of free-verse poetry, dance, and prosody.


Unit Description

In this unit, students compose free-verse poems and choreograph them into Word in Motion! Dances. To prepare, students become "word explorers" as they read a series of free-verse poems. Students explore the poet's word choices and how particular words and phrases evoke images, feelings, ideas, and responses from readers. Then, they consider words and phrases that might be used in place of the poet's choices. By studying words in relationship to one another, students will come to know them more deeply. Throughout the process, students engage in movement and prosody to deepen their understandings. In the next part of the unit, students brainstorm and compose their own free-verse poems and choreograph them into dances. As a culminating event, students showcase their poetry and dances for an audience and reflect on their experience.




Common Core State Standards

Arts for Learning is aligned with the Common Core State Standards for Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening, and Language. This Overview describes the scope of the standards and this Quick Reference Guide provides each of the standards fully or partially met within this A4L Unit, followed by the charts that specifically identify the standards addressed in each lesson and step in the Unit. The standards are also coded and listed at the beginning of each lesson in the unit. Arts for Learning also provides a comprehensive student assessment program in each unit. This A4L Assessment Toolkit Quick Reference Chart indicates an overview of the locations of the tasks to be scored in the unit.
Each A4L unit is developed on a common framework and contains a 3-part sequence of instruction that educational research suggests will help students become more self-directed, independent learners. There is a gradual hand-off of responsibility--from teacher to students-- that is supported by assessment and teacher help as needed. Throughout A4L units the arts serve as motive and means to advance reading for meaning and writing thoughtfully.






Part 1


Unit 5: Lesson 4

Instruct on Prosody; Explore Words & Phrases in Sparklers

Unit 5: Lesson 4

Instruct on Prosody; Explore Words & Phrases in Sparklers



By the end of this lesson students will be able to describe how different expression of words and phrases communicates different feelings and images in a poem.


“I can describe how different expression of words and phrases communicates different feelings and images in a poem.”




Steps: Pacing" 45-60 Minutes
15 minutes
30 minutes



Standards Alignment


Targeted Standards


Secondary Standards


Teaching Resources


A4L Texts


Student Notebook


Classroom Charts


Samples & Templates


Life & Learning Skills


  Differentiation Options  


  Leveraging Moments






Process: Give an overview of the lesson objectives: Learn how to use prosody to express the meaning of a word or phrase; use prosody and movement to gain a deeper awareness of and sensitivity to the words and phrases used by Mark Vinz in “Sparklers.”


Suggested Dialogue


Introduce Lesson 4





Process: Introduce prosody—“reading with expression”—and explain how it helps a reader understand and communicate what’s happening in a text. Practice prosody using the list of words and phrases from the previous lesson. Guide students to vocally express the words and phrases multiple ways to show different emphasis and feeling. As students offer variations, highlight the vocal qualities, like pitch (high or low voice), volume (loud or quiet), pace (fast or slow), and timbre (gravelly, soft, staccato, etc.). List vocal qualities on the board or on chart paper so students can reference them for the remainder of the unit. See A4L Tracks 16-19 and the menu below for a sample of Prosody: Vocal Qualities.




The Process for the Prosody Exercise Follows:


Prosody Exercise for Reading with Expression 


Suggested Dialogue


Introducing Prosody


Facilitating the Prosody Exercise


Close the exercise and transition to desks.







Process: Engage in word explorations to develop students’ awareness of and interest in words. Begin by rereading the poem and reviewing the words and phrases that stood out for students in the previous lesson. Have students turn to page 13 in Unit 5 Texts and turn to page 8-9 in A4L Student Notebooks.


Guide an exercise for targeted words and phrases (as many as time and attention allow) in which students explore word choices through discussion, movement, and prosody. Give student friendly definitions of words and show images as needed. After discussing words and phrases from the poem, students brainstorm other words and phrases that might be used in place of the poet’s choices. By studying words in relationship to one another, students will better understand how particular word choices evoke images, feelings, and responses from readers. See the menu below, Differentiation Options: Word Explorations for “Sparklers” for ways to structure the activity and the menu below, Word Explorations Process for a brief outline of the activity.


Record word explorations on the “Sparkler” Word Exploration graphic organizer, chart paper, or the board. Students record brainstormed words and phrases on pages 8-9 in their A4L Student Notebooks. Post word explorations on the Words in Motion Wall so students can reflect on the words they explore and continually expand their word knowledge.


See teaching tip for How to Spotlight Movements for tips on how to comment on students’ creative movement, and the menu below, Coaching Tips for Prosody for ways to support students’ vocal expression.


The following is a list of suggested targeted words and phrases for “Sparklers.”


 Differentiation Options: Word Explorations for "Sparklers"


Teaching Tip: How to Spotlight Movements


Coaching Tips: Prosody


Suggested Dialogue


Read “Sparklers” and Introduce word explorations and reread the poem.


Explore “Twirling our frantic loops and circles.”


Identify similar words and phrases.


Identify different words and phrases.


Explore “Giddy slash of every turn and leap.”


Identify similar words and phrases.


Identify different words and phrases.


Identify similar words and phrases and record them on the board.


Identify different words and phrases.


Close word explorations.





Process: Close the lesson with a look forward describing the next lesson.
Suggested Dialogue
Looking Forward


Performing The Closing Ritual (Optional)










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